Optimizing quality of life for Texas children

The Texas Pediatric Palliative Care Consortium (TPPCC) was established in 2007 to provide children living with life-threatening conditions and their families with the best quality of life possible, regardless of care setting, family demographics, or financial status.

TPPCC is a statewide coalition of interdisciplinary pediatric palliative care providers, as well as advocates and parent representatives. If you are a palliative care provider, consider joining us today. Join TPPCC.

Annual PEDI-HOPE SUMMER Conference:
JOIN US July 30 - August 1, 2020 at South Shore Harbor Resort near Houston, TX

TPPCC Executive Committee:

TPPCC Chairwoman
Melody Brown Hellsten, DNP, RN, PCCNP, CHPPN
Texas Children’s Hospital Cancer Center
832-822-1317 office

Education Chairwoman
Gina Leigh Jones, RN, CPLC
Children’s Memorial Herman Hospital
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
713-704-5068 office

Executive Director
Jan Wheeler, Ed. D.
Project Joy and Hope & TPPCC
713-851-9792 cell